Use the power of information technology to care for the safety of the seniors

2019-10-07 14:29:18 244

Recently, a caring for the senior safety seminar hosted by the Caring for the Senior Safety Research Center under the guidance of the China Seniors Information Center for the Seniors was held in Beijing. With the theme of caring for the safety of the elderly, the meeting discussed the current social concerns such as the concept of safety for the elderly, how to build a livable environment for the elderly, how to protect the rights and interests of the elderly, and how the latest technology can be applied to caring for the safety of the elderly. Seminar. Former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences Xu Genchu, deputy president of Renmin University of China Du Peng, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission Social Development Department Hao Fuqing, director of the Information Center for Senior Citizens of the China Aging Association, and director of Feng Ai ’s Safety Research Center Wang Feng attended the meeting and Speak.

In his speech, Li Wei, director of the Information Center for Senior Citizens of the China Ageing Association, pointed out that the safety of the elderly has become a serious social issue. In order to better implement the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on actively responding to the aging of the population, constructing a policy system and social environment for the elderly, filial piety, and respect for the elderly, promoting the integration of medical care, and accelerating the development of the cause and industry of the elderly, we have previously cooperated with Xidian University. 3, Shaanxi Juyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. jointly established the "Caring for the Elderly Safety Research Center" to ensure that the safety of the elderly can be truly guaranteed.




Du Peng, Vice President of Renmin University of China, gave a wonderful speech on how to strengthen the safety services for the elderly. He emphasized that it is the common responsibility of the entire society to pay attention to the safety of the elderly. The happiness of the elderly and the high quality of life need to be guaranteed in all aspects. The core issue of the safety of the elderly is the occurrence of accidents, including falls indoors, and lost outdoors. How to use the existing service network to find and rescue in time is the key to coping with the accidents of the elderly. At the same time, as one of the important contents of the friendly environment for the elderly, ensuring the safety of the elderly has enriched the content of the construction of a livable environment for the elderly. The livable environment is not limited to the creation of an accessible environment in the city. It is more important that the community watch and help to realize the police station. The grid management of the neighborhood committees effectively uses information and network technology to contribute to the safety of the elderly.



Hao Fuqing, deputy director of the Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, systematically discusses the connotation and extension of the safety of the elderly from seven aspects: personal safety, property safety, economic safety, psychological safety, care safety, cognitive safety, and environmental safety. He pointed out that the safety of the elderly is very wide-ranging. The main responsibility of elderly safety is the elderly themselves, but the family is the first responsibility, and the importance of family safety must be brought into play. In addition, the whole society must be mobilized to build a safety system. , Enhance the elderly's safety awareness, use scientific and technological means to reduce the occurrence of danger.




Wang Feng, director of the Caring for the Elderly Safety Research Center, introduced the original intention of establishing the Caring for the Elderly Safety Research Center, aiming at gradually establishing a national big data center for elderly health care through a comprehensive supporting service system for the elderly, and providing relevant departments with large-scale data from various dimensions. The statistical analysis and prediction of the data provide a strong scientific decision-making basis for the government's senior care-related departments. He said that the Caring for the Elderly Safety Research Center, co-constructed by the Senior Citizens Information Center of the China Ageing Association, Xidian University and Shaanxi Juyun Information Technology Co., Ltd., will uphold the purpose of protecting the safety of the elderly and actively carry out research on the safety of the elderly. Research work, and strive to apply the latest research results to the field of practice, continuously improve the happiness and satisfaction of the elderly, and contribute to improving the quality of life and life of the elderly in their later years.

Gao Xinbo, Assistant President of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology and Scientific Research Director of the Caring for the Elderly Safety Research Center, gave a lively presentation on the new age-related scientific and technological achievements and the application of information technology in the elderly's safety field, with special emphasis on the face recognition system in preventing elderly people. Outstanding contribution to loss. He pointed out that caring for the safety of the elderly requires the cooperation of the whole society, fully utilizing the advantages of existing technologies such as Skynet system and positioning system, supplemented by high-tech methods, and using software technology to convert relatively blurred images into recognizable pictures and form Resource integration and resource sharing work together to weave a secure network for the elderly, so that the elderly can always enjoy the security guarantee brought by high technology.
At the meeting, many experts expressed their unique opinions on caring for the safety of the elderly. The meeting was chaired by Zheng Haili, the director of the website management department of the Senior Citizens Information Center of the China Ageing Association, from related leaders such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Health and Family Planning Commission and Xi'an Electronics Experts and scholars from the University of Science and Technology attended the meeting.