Let's do some exercise exercises to help prevent falls

2022-04-27 11:04:03 admin 36

Every 20 minutes an older adult dies from injuries sustained from a fall. In fact, falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury and fracture for seniors. The annual medical costs of treating people who fall is an estimated $30 billion. That number is expected to rise as the population ages.

“I laid in the yard for about two and a half hours before the next-door neighbor saw me laying there,” Sarah Grant recalled.

Grant and Bersche laugh about it now, but falls are frightening and common for older adults. In fact, older adults without any risk factors have a 25% to 33% chance of falling, but there are things you can do to decrease your risk of falling.

Exercises to Prevent Falls

While it’s not possible to completely prevent a fall, exercises that focus on balance and strength training can reduce the risk of falling. “We treat elderly adults for injuries sustained from falls, and other patients who feel unsteady while walking or standing and are fearful of falling,” says Lora Stutzman, a physical therapist with the Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network. “These exercises can help improve balance and build strength to help prevent future falls.”

For older adults, activities such as squatting, standing up from a chair and walking may be difficult or cause them to feel unsteady, which increases their risk of falling. The following exercises are intended for those who have a low risk of fall and are able to stand on their own without support from others. Always talk to your doctor or physical therapist first before starting new exercises, especially if you have weak balance.

Sit-to-Stand Exercise

The sit-to-stand exercise builds leg strength and improves body mechanics and balance, which are all important in reducing falls.

1. Start by sitting on a sturdy chair of standard height, and make sure that it won’t slide or roll. You should be able to sit comfortably with your feet flat on the ground. Have a sturdy support surface in front of you, such as a countertop, so that you can reach to it for support if you start to feel unsteady when standing. Scoot forward so your buttocks is positioned at the front of the seat.

2. Lean your chest forward over your toes, shifting your body weight forward. Squeeze your gluteal muscles and slowly rise to a stable standing position.


3. Slowly sit back down to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

4. If necessary, place your hands on the arms or seat of the chair and push through your hands to help stand and sit. The goal is to not use your hands at all.


Perform 10 repetitions, twice a day. For an advanced version, hold hand weights to add resistance.

If you have pain in your knees, back or hips, discontinue and talk to your doctor or physical therapist.

Balance Exercise

This series of exercises helps if your balance is unsteady. Make sure you have someone with you in case you lose balance.

To begin, stand in a corner or have a kitchen counter in front of you to reach out to in case you start losing balance.

1. Feet apart: Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, eyes open, and hold steady for 10 seconds, working your way up to 30 seconds.

If you find yourself swaying or reaching for the wall or counter frequently, just keep working on this exercise until you can do it with minimal swaying or support. Once you can hold this position firmly for 30 seconds, move on to the next exercise.

2. Feet together: Stand with feet together, eyes open, and hold steady 10 seconds, working your way up to 30 seconds.


Once you can do this exercise for 30 seconds with minimal swaying or support, move on to the next one.

3. One foot: Stand on one foot, eyes open, and hold steady 10 seconds, working up to 30 seconds. Switch to the other foot.

4. Eyes closed: If you can perform the first three exercises safely and with little support, try to do each one with your eyes closed. Hold for 10 seconds, working up to 30 seconds.


The goal for each exercise is to hold the position for 10 seconds and progress to 30 seconds, five repetitions (including five per leg on the one-foot exercise), two times a day.

Additional Steps to Prevent Falls

Remember, it’s important to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about fall prevention. We didn’t only reduce falls, we actually reduced overall health care costs.

l  Discuss medications and changes in your exercise routine.

l  Tell your doctor if you fall.

l  Ask a friend or family member to help check your home for trip hazards.

l  Get a S-AIRBAG INTELLIGENT VEST that will protect you if you fall.



1.      https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/fall-prevention-exercises

2.      https://www.news4jax.com/health/2022/01/06/preventing-elderly-falls-saving-lives-and-money/